
How software houses build partnerships?

On average, a software house partners with 5 to 15 companies. The bigger players manage to grow their networks to 50+ companies. These partnerships are crucial for growth and innovation, allowing software houses to leverage the strengths of other organizations. By working together, they can offer more comprehensive solutions and most importantly: get a steady influx of leads.

Who are software houses partnering with?

Software houses often team-up with marketing agencies, UX/UI agencies, and other non-competitive firms. These partnerships help them enhance their services without stepping on each other's toes. They often partner up with agencies working with the same customer base. A good example would be an eCommerce software house partnering with a legal company focusing on online sales.

Did you know?

The deals not only are closed faster, but they are 53% more likely to close when a partner is involved.

Focus areas in partnerships

Software houses are not just about exchanging leads; they're all about creating synergy. They focus on joint marketing efforts to gain more exposure to a similar Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). By combining forces in marketing campaigns, both partners can reach a wider audience and boost their brand visibility, leading to greater business opportunities. Not only that, showing you have a broad network of partners makes you more trustworthy to potential clients.

Spotlight: Selected features for software-houses

Keeping track of leads

When you are developing software, the time to close the lead can often be months if not years. Having a system of record for you and your partners is key to keep things transparent and professional.

Adding leads without logging in

Let's be frank. Not everybody will have the time to log into a PRM to add a lead. This is why having an external lead form that you can bookmark can be so beneficial.

Ease of onboarding

You need a way to quickly explain to your partners why you are the best for the job and what they can get from it. What better way than an automated process?