
How software companies grow with partnerships?

Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) are raking in serious revenue through strategic partnerships. In fact, many are seeing a substantial chunk of their income—up to 40%—coming from these collaborations. By teaming up with other businesses, ISVs can leverage complementary skills and resources, driving both growth and innovation. Let's dive into how they're doing it.

Enhancing product offerings through partnerships

Software vendors are not just selling products; they're selling solutions. By partnering with experts who handle support, development, and setup, ISVs can offer a complete package to their customers. This means end-users get top-notch service without vendors having to stretch their resources thin. It's a win-win situation that boosts customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Did you know?

Did you know that Microsoft relies on its partner network for its business? Their network of over 300 000 (!) partners drive 95% of its revenue. 

Expanding global reach

ISVs are using partnerships to break into new markets around the world. By collaborating with local businesses, they can offer their solutions in regions they couldn’t reach alone. These partners handle sales, marketing, and customer relations in their respective areas, making it easier for ISVs to tap into global opportunities and grow their user base internationally.

Spotlight: Selected features for software companies


With our Whitelabel Add-on, you can work in your domain and send emails from a place your partners will recognize.

Public partner directory

With our public directory, you can showcase your partners, get them leads and strenghten their brand.

Estimated commission

Get your partners more engaged by showing them how much they can win by closing deals.