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Supercharge your partner ecosystem with Partnerplace Integrations

Supercharge your partner ecosystem with Partnerplace Integrations

In today's interconnected business landscape, the power of partnerships cannot be overstated. But managing these partnerships effectively requires more than just good intentions – it demands seamless integration of data and processes across your entire tech stack.

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Partnership agreement – 8 things you should not forget | Partnerplace

partnership agreement

Are you building a network of partners that support the growth of your business? A well-thought-out agreement is a must. If a partnership is to be fruitful, its conditions should be clearly established and confirmed in writing. What should be the details of the agreement with your par …

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Partnering with the Pros: Frauke Terwege

Interview with a professional partnership manager

Meet Frauke Terwege: " About Frauke: \n My role is multifaceted. In addition to acquiring new partners, I optimize old, inefficient processes, ensure that our partners are satisfied, and that their performance improves. For example, my aim is to make selling our software as easy as po …

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