Knowledge base / Partner Management

Effective partner onboarding: Exploring your options

Partner onboarding

Partner onboarding process When welcoming a new partner into your channel, providing the right guidance is crucial for them to become a productive member of your network. It’s unrealistic to expect a new company, even one with a basic understanding of your product and its advantages, …

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Partnership dilemmas: solutions and strategies for growth

Road split

In the world of business, partnerships can be both a source of strength and a fountain of frustration. The complexity of merging two distinct entities with their own visions, cultures, and goals brings about an intricate dance of collaboration. In this crucible, dilemmas are born.

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Channel sales 101: A guide to building a successful sales channel

Partnership strategy

Imagine empowering a network of partners to boost your product's market reach. That's the allure of channel sales—a strategy that can elevate businesses to new heights. Understanding this pivotal concept is crucial for tapping into new markets as the sales landscape evolves.

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Uncovering partnership KPI’s

Uncovering partnership KPI’s

Discovering which metrics to use for partnerships is integral to success in this domain. It involves monitoring channel growth, identifying effective strategies, and determining where to focus your efforts. Even if your superior doesn’t request data, examining it can significantly enh …

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A guide to the Partner Manager's core responsibilities

Partner Manager job

Are you just starting out as a Partner Manager? Are you looking to become one? Regardless, even for experienced professionals, it is sometimes easy to forget how a role can be different in each company. Let’s look at the broad spectrum of responsibilities of a Partner Manager within a …

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